Redialing a Number
You can quickly redial the last 3 numbers dialed on each handset.
1.With the phone in standby, press [redial/pause] to open the redial list.
.Use [] or [
] to scroll through the redial list.
3.When you find the number you want to dial, press [/flash] or [
] to dial the number.
1.Press [ /flash] or [ ].
.Press [redial/pause].The last number dialed will be displayed.
Deleting a Redial Record
If you want to delete a phone number from the redial list, follow the steps below:
1.With the phone in standby, press [redial/pause].
.Use [] or [
] to scroll through the redial list.
3.When you find the redial number you want to delete, press [menu/clear].
4.Select YES, and press or [menu/clear]. The redialed number is deleted.
Adjusting the Ringer and Handset Earpiece Volume
Adjusting the Ringer Volume
You can choose from three ringer volume settings on the handset (off, low, and high).
With the phone in standby, use [ ] or [
] on the handset.