Selecting Your Greeting
The phone allows you to choose between the two outgoing messages, a prerecorded message or your own greeting.
1)With the phone in standby mode, press select/ /audio tone.
2)During the annoucement "To record memo message, press seven. To record your greeting, press eight. For help, press zero.", press 5.
3)Press 6. The current outgoing message is played.
4)While the outgoing message is playing, press 6. Each time you press 6, the phone switches the outgoing message between the prerecorded and your own greeting.
To delete the personal greeting, press /4 while the outgoing message is playing. The system announces "Greeting has been deleted".
Announce only feature
The announce only feature plays a
The following message is
"Hello, no one is available to take your call. Please call again."
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