Set the amount of time (1 or 4 minutes) callers have to

Record Time

leave a message. Choose Announce Only if you don't


want the system to let callers to leave a message.


Have the system beep every 15 seconds when you have


a new message; the beeping stops when you listen to all


your new messages. (To mute the alert without listening


to your messages, press any key on the base.)


Change the language of the system's voice prompts.



Call Screen

Turn on the call screen feature so you can hear callers as

they leave messages on the base speaker (see page 18).


Ans. On/off

Turn your answering system on or off. (To turn your

system on or off from the base, just press On/off.)


Accessing the Answering System

You can access your system from a handset whenever the phone is in

standby.Press MESSAGES/MUTE to start remote operation mode.

Use PHONEBOOK/ LEFT to go to the previous option:

4:Delete 3:Skip 2:Play 1:Repeat


[ / /select]

Press END to exit remote operation mode.

Use CALLER ID/ RIGHT to go to the next option:

6:SelectGreeting 8:RecNewGreeting

Press MENU/ SELECT to choose the displayed option.

During remote operation, the phone beeps to let you know it's waiting for your next command.

You can press the number key next to the commands instead of scrolling through them.


Page 16
Image 16
Uniden DECT1480 manual Accessing the Answering System