Understanding Internet risks
Risks from inappropriate content and activities
Risks from inappropriate content and activities
There is a wealth of information on the Internet that is easily accessible to everyone. However, some topics are not suitable for all people. For example, most people consider pornographic and violent sites to be inappropriate for viewing by children. You may feel that other topics should also be off limits.
Blocking site and newsgroup categories
Norton Personal Firewall lets you choose Web sites and newsgroups that you want to be accessible to people using this computer. Because different people need different levels of access, you can configure Norton Personal Firewall to block specific content for each user.
Restricting access to programs
Norton Personal Firewall lets you choose categories of programs that can access the Internet. It keeps the list of programs
Risks to your privacy
The Internet presents several risks to your privacy. Some sites collect and save personal information, such as credit card numbers. Some sites track your Internet usage. Some programs send information about your computer usage to Web sites without your permission.
Sending private information
You probably don’t want private information, such as credit card numbers or your home phone number, to be sent unencrypted over the Internet. Privacy Control prevents private information from being entered on Web sites that do not use secure, encrypted communications, and from being sent on instant messenger programs.