Monitoring Norton Personal Firewall
Review detailed statistics
Web Graphics/
Banner Ads
Firewall TCP Connections
Firewall UDP Datagrams
Firewall Rules
Network Connections
Last 60 Seconds
Estimated sizes of graphics that have been blocked, and the time saved by not loading blocked graphics
The number of blocked and permitted TCP connections
The number of blocked and permitted UDP connections
All of the rules defined for your firewall and information on the number of communication attempts blocked, permitted, or not matched by firewall rules
Information about current connections, including the program that is using the connection, the protocol being used, and the addresses or names of the connected computers
The number of network and HTTP connections and the speed of each connection type
To review detailed statistics
1Open Norton Personal Firewall.
2In the Security Center main window, click Statistics.
3In the Statistics window, click Detailed Statistics.
Reset detailed statistics counters
Reset the counters to clear all of the statistics and begin accumulating them again. This helps you see if a configuration change affects the statistics.
To reset counters
1Open Norton Personal Firewall.
2In the Security Center main window, click Statistics.
3In the Statistics window, click Detailed Statistics.
4On the View menu, click Reset Values.
Set the statistics displayed in the Detailed Statistics window
Users can view all detailed statistics at once or display only certain categories.