134 Glossary
connection attempt
DHCP (Dynamic Host
DNS (Domain Name System)
DNS server (Domain Name System server)
A method of data exchange that allows a reliable transfer of data between two computers.
The data transfer that requests the opening of a connection.
A small data file that some Web sites place on your hard disk while you’re viewing a Web page. Web servers can use cookies to store your personal information and preferences so that you don’t need to reenter them each time that you visit.
A person who cracks code, not necessarily for malicious reasons. Sometimes used to refer to a malicious hacker.
A TCP/IP protocol that automatically assigns a temporary IP address to each device on a network.
A hierarchical naming system that translates domain names (such as www.symantec.com) into IP addresses (such as
A computer that keeps a database of domain names and their corresponding IP addresses. When a computer sends a domain name to a DNS server, the server returns the IP address for that domain.
The common address for a single company or organization (such as symantec.com) on the Internet, which might have multiple hosts.
To transfer data from one computer to another, usually over a modem or network. Usually refers to the act of transferring a file from the Internet, a bulletin board system, or an online service to one's own computer.