5.Conference - Starts a conference call with your first and second callers.
6.Drop First/7.Drop Last - During a conference call, allows you to choose to drop the first or last caller.
Placing a Call on Hold
During a call, press hold/X’fr/ int’com to put the call on hold. Press
/flash or
to go back to the call.
If you leave the call on hold for 10 seconds, the display will change to read Line on Hold. After 5 minutes, the call is disconnected.
If you have more than one handset, two handsets can talk to the outside caller at the same time in a conference call. Once a call is in progress, press /flash or
to join the call. To hang up, press
or put the handset back in the cradle. The other handset will still be connected after you hang up.
If the other handset is in privacy mode, you won't be able to join the call.
Using Your Phone
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