Transferring a Call
You can transfer a call from one handset to another. During a call, press hold/x'fr/int'com; this will put the call on hold. Select the handset you want to page. If you select All, all other handsets will be paged. To
•If all handsets are paged, only the first party to answer the page will connect.
M u l t i - H a n d s e t F e a t u r e s
cancel the page and go back to the caller, press /flash.
Answering a transfer page
When the handset receives a transfer page, it sounds a tone and shows the ID of the handset that is paging. Pick up the handset and press /flash to answer the page. If you want to accept the transfer and talk to the outside caller, press
•If you do not select a handset within ten seconds, the operation will be canceled.
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