After you enter the number, press the center of the joystick. You can select an icon to remind you which number this is: home , work
, mobile
, or general phone number
. Press the center of the joystick when you're finished.
Step 3: Unique Ring 
Select to attach a special ring to this phone. Select the ringer tone you want the phone to use when this person calls, or select No Selection to have the phone use its regular ringer tone. Press the center of the joystick when you're finished, and your phone will go back to the current phonebook entry.
You can save up to 4 numbers for each phonebook entry. If you try to save more than 4 numbers for a phonebook entry, your phone will display Dial data is full. You'll have to delete one of the existing numbers before you add a new one.
U s i n g t h e P h o n e b o o k
w w w . u n i d e n . c o m | U s i n g t h e P h o n e b o o k [ 4 8 ] |