▼Choosing between the two outgoing messages
Press menu. Then press skip/ff or repeat/rew when the outgoing message is played. This switches between the two options. Press set to select the greeting of your choice. A conf irmation tone is heard.
To delete the personal Greeting, press delete during the announcement and the system announces "Your greeting has been deleted".
Setting the Time
The clock on the EXAI2980 series answering system starts when power is applied to the base. Follow these steps to set the clock to the correct time.
1) Press menu twice.
The system announces the current time. The message counter displays [ ].
2)Press set to select the day.
You hear the current day and the numbers [ ] through [
] are displayed on the base.
3)Press skip/ff or repeat/rew until the correct day is announced.
4)Press set to select the day.
5)Press skip/ff or repeat/rew until you hear the correct hour setting. The numbers [ ] through [
] are displayed on the base as each hour is announced.
6)Press set to select the hour.
7)Press skip/ff or repeat/rew until you hear the correct minute setting. The numbers [00] through [59] are displayed on the base as each minute is announced.
8)Press set to select the minute.
9)Press skip/ff or repeat/rew until you hear the correct AM or PM setting. The message counter displays [A] or [P].
10)Press set to select the AM/PM.
The EXAI2980 series announces the time that you have set and the base LED displays [ ]. To exit the menu mode, press play/stop if desired.
•Normally the idle time for the menu mode is 20 sec- onds before the system returns to standby. However for setting the time, the idle time is extended to two minutes.
•Press and hold skip/ff or repeat/rew to quickly scroll through numbers on the display.
T H E I N T E G R AT E D A N S W E R I N G D E V I C E [ 25 ]