,Weather Channel Scanning
The USC 220XLT is designed to search for your local weather channel(s).
Note: Currently the weather service is not provided in Australia.
1.Press OOto begin Weather Search. WX appears at the right side of the display and the word SCAN moves across the display.
2.When the Weather Search finds an active channel in your area, the scanner stops at that frequency.
3.WeatherTo stay atSearch,that freqUenctpress WXpr)ssagain(HOLD). .To resume
It is possible that you may be able to hear more than one Weather broadcast in your area. If the broadcast sounds
weak and distant, press 00 again to look for a closer
station. Or, press. or ~ to move to another station.
4. To exit Weather Mode, press @.
In some parts of the country, you may not be able to
monitor weather broadcasts, such as in | I |
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Normally a higher location will improve the reception. |