Cordless Skype Dual Phone
User Guide
When you
•About displays text describing the connection status of the base station and the application version number.
•PC Inititated Calls lets you use Skype on your computer to make a call and then pick up the handset. For more information, see Initiating Skype Calls through Your Computer.
•More Products gives you information about related products from the USRobotics website.
•Exit stops the application program and closes the menu.
Stopping the Phone Program
You can stop the phone program as follows: right click the icon in the system tray and select Exit.
Starting the Phone Program
If you stop the program, you can restart it as follows: click Windows Start > Programs > USRobotics Cordless Skype Dual Phone.
Additional Handset
The Cordless Skype Dual Phone base station can support up to four handsets. To add a handset, you first need to charge the batteries. Once the batteries are charged, you must register the handset to the base station.
Charge the Batteries
The batteries must be charged for 14 hours before you use the handset for the first time. Use only the batteries that came with the handset.
1.Connect the charger adapter to an electrical outlet.
2.Remove the battery compartment cover by sliding it toward the bottom of the handset.
3.Insert the batteries, observing their polarities, into the battery compartment and replace the cover.
4.Set the handset in the charger and let the batteries charge for 14 hours. The handset may become warm during initial charging.