The FT-60R is a dual band FM transceiver with extensive receive frequency coverage,
providing local-area two-way amateur communications along with unmatched monitoring
The FT-60R’s small size allows you to take it anywhere - hiking, skiing, or while walking
around town - and its operating flexibility brings the user many avenues of operating en-
joyment. Its incredibly tiny FNB-83 Rechargeable Nickel-Metal Hydride Battery Pack
provides up to 5 Watts of transmit power on 144 MHz and 430 MHz Amateur Bands.
Besides 144- and 430-MHz transceive operation, the FT-60R provides receive coverage
of the VHF and UHF TV bands, the VHF AM aircraft band, and a wide range of commer-
cial and public safety frequencies!
New and exciting features of the FT-60R are the Emergency Automatic ID (EAI) function,
that will automatically cause your FT-60R to transmit your callsign and engage your rig’s
microphone, even if you are disabled and unable
to press the PTT switch; Enhanced Paging and
Code Squelch (EPCS), that allows you to page a
particular station and only receive calls from that
station, if desired; and a security Password fea-
ture, that will allow you to turn on and operate
your transceiver only after you enter your Pass-
Additional features include a convenient access
key for Vertex Standard’s WIRES™ (Wide-cov-
erage Internet Repeater Enhancement System), a
transmit Time-Out Timer (TOT), Automatic
Power-Off (APO), Automatic Repeater Shift
(ARS), Yaesu’s exclusive ARTS™ (Auto-Range
Transponder System) which “beeps” the user when
you move out of communications range with an-
other ARTS™ equipped station, plus provision for
reduction of the TX deviation in areas of high chan-
nel congestion. And an RF squelch circuit allows
the owner to set the squelch to open at a program-
mable setting of the S-Meter, thus reducing guess-
work in setting the squelch threshold.
We appreciate your purchase of the FT-60R, and
encourage you to read this manual thoroughly, so
as to learn about the many exciting features of your
exciting new Yaesu hand-held transceiver!