The FT-60R provides for automatic mode changing when the radio is tuned to different
operating frequencies. However, should an unusual operating situation arise in which you
need to change between the available operating modes (FM and AM), here is the proce-
dure for doing so:
1. Press the [F/W] key, then press the [0( )SET] key to enter the Set mode.
2. Rotate the DIAL knob to select Set Mode Item 40: RX MOD.
3. Press the [F/W] key momentarily to enable adjustment of this
4. Rotate the DIAL knob to select the new operating mode. The
available selections are:
AUTO:Automatic mode setting per default values for the selected
frequency range.
FM: Frequency Modulation
AM: Amplitude Modulation
5. When you have made your selection, press the PTT switch to save the new setting and
return to normal operation.
Unless you have a compelling reason to do so, leave the Automatic Mode
Selection feature on so as to save time and trouble when changing bands. If
you make a mode change for a particular channel or station, you can always
store that one channel into memory, as the mode setting will be memorized along with
the frequency information.