Set Mode Item 52 [TX.LED]
Function: Enables/Disables the TX LED while the radio is transmitting.
Available Values: LED. ON/LED.OFF
Default: LED. ON
Set Mode Item 53 [TXSAVE]
Function: Enables/Disables the Transmitter Battery Saver.
Available Values: SAV.OFF/ SAV. ON
Default: SAV.OFF
Set Mode Item 54 [VFO.BND]
Function: Enables or disables the VFO band edge limiting for the current band.
Available Values: BAND/ALL
Default: BAND
BAND: When the VFO frequency reaches the high band edge of the current band, the
VFO frequency will jump to the low band edge of the current band (or vice versa).
ALL: When the VFO frequency reaches the high edge of the current band, the VFO
frequency will jump to the low band edge of the next band (or vice versa).
Set Mode Item 55 [WID.NAR]
Function: Select Wide (±5 kHz) or Narrow (±2.5 kHz) TX Deviation.
Available Values: WIDE/NARROW
Default: WIDE
Note: If “Narrow” is selected, the receiver audio level is increased slightly to compensate
for the reduced deviation. The receiver IF filter bandwidth is not changed via this setting.
Set Mode Item 56 [WX ALT]
Function: Enables/Disables the Weather Alert Scan feature.
Available Values: ALT.OFF/ALT. ON
Default: ALT. OFF