Displaying images through pwPresenter
Downloading and installing pwPresenter
The pwPresenter is an application running on the host PC. It helps connect your computer to an available network projector and transfer the desktop content to the network projector via local network connection.
1.Enter the main page of Network Control. See steps
2.Download pwPresenter.
3.When the download is complete, install the software to your computer by clicking the exe file. Follow the
4.Launch pwPresenter.
Using pwPresenter
4 & 5
1.The Search page allows you to search and connect to a projector.
i.To connect to a projector, select Directly then type the projector IP address and click Connect.
ii.To search for projectors, simply click Search to list all the projectors on the same local area network. Click the desired projectors in the Search result list, and click Connect directly. You can also type a desired projector name and click Search.
iii.You can link to the ViewSonic webpage control system on page 41.
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