Viking F20974 manual Food, Dont

Models: F20974

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Getting Started

IMPORTANT– Please Read and Follow

Turn foods over once during microwaving to speed cooking of such foods as chicken and hamburgers. Large items like roasts must be turned over at least once.

Rearrange foods such as meatballs halfway through cooking both from top to bottom and from right to left.

Add standing time. Remove food from Built-in Microwave Hood and stir, if possible. Cover for standing time which allows the food to fin- ish cooking without overcooking.

Check for doneness. Look for signs indicating that cooking tempera- tures have been reached.

Doneness signs include:

-Food steams throughout, not just at edge.

-Center bottom of dish is very hot to the touch.

-Poultry thigh joints move easily.

-Meat and poultry show no pinkness.

-Fish is opaque and flakes easily with a fork.











Puncture egg yolks

• Cook eggs in shells.



before cooking to prevent

Reheat whole eggs.

nuts, seeds,



• Dry nuts or seeds in

fruits &

• Pierce skins of potatoes,





apples, squash, hot dogs





and sausages so that





steam escapes.









Use specially bagged

Pop popcorn in



popcorn for the


regular brown bags





or glass bowls.


• Listen while popping corn

Exceed maximum



for the popping to slow


time on popcorn



to 1 or 2 seconds or use





special Popcorn pad.










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Viking F20974 manual Food, Dont