General TroubleshootingChapter 6
The power light on the modem is
not on.
Modem does not respond,modem
communication error or modem
not found.
How can Ichange the speaker vol-
ume on the modem?
Ensure the modem is plugged into your system’s USB
port. If your modem is plugged into a hub,it must be a
powered hub.
If more than one USB port is available,try another port.
Ensure “USBSupport” is turned on in your system’s BIOS.
Ensure the drivers are loaded correctly.
Contact your computer’s manufacture.
Did you select the correct modem type? If the Viking
modem is not listed,try a Hayes compatible modem.
Is the USB cable completely plugged into its port and are
all of the connections secure?
If the modem stops after the computer enters power-
saving mode,disabling this feature is recommended.
The volume can be changed through AT Commands.Use
the following AT Commands to change the volume levels:
ATL0 Set lowest speaker volume
ATL1 Set low speaker volume
ATL2 Set medium speaker volume
ATL3 Set high speaker volume
ATM0 Turn speaker off
ATM1 Turn speaker on during handshaking and while
receiving carrier
ATM2 Turn speaker on during handshaking and while
receiving carrier.
ATM3 Turn speaker off during dialing and receiving
carrier and turn speaker on during answering.