Basic AT Command Set (Continued)
Command Function
&G0 Disable guard tone.
&G1 Disable guard tone.
&G2 Enable 1800 Hz tone.
&J0 Set S-Register response only for compatibility.
&J1 Set S-Register response only for compatibility.
&K0 Disable DTE/DCE flow control.
&K3 Enable RTS/CTS DTE/DCE flow control.
&K4 Enable XON/XOFF DTE/DCE flow control.
&K5 Enable transparent XON/XOFF flow control.
&K6 Enable both RTS/CTS and XON/XOFF flow control.
&L0 Select dial up line operation.
&L1 Select leased line operation.
&M0 Select direct asynchronous mode.
&M1 Select sync connect with async off-line command mode.*
&M2 Select sync connect with async off-line command mode and enable DTR of
directory zero.*
&M3 Select sync connect with async off-line command mode and enable DTR to
act as Talk/Data switch.*
&P0 Set 10 pps pulse dial with 39%/61% make/break.
&P1 Set 10 pps pulse dial with 33%/67% make/break.
&P2 Set 20 pps pulse dial with 39%/61% make/break.
&P3 Set 20 pps pulse dial with 33%/67% make/break.
&Q0 Select direct asynchronous mode.
&Q1 Select sync connect with async off-line command mode.*
&Q2 Select sync connect with async off-line command mode and enable DTR
dialing of directory zero.*
&Q3 Select sync connect with async off-line command mode and enable DTR to
act as Talk/Data switch.*
&Q4 Select Hayes AutoSync mode.
&Q5 Modem negotiates an error corrected link.
&Q6 Select asynchronous operation in normal mode.
&R0 CTS tracks RTS (async) or acts per V.25 (sync).
&R1 CTS is always active.
&S0 DSR is always active.
&S1 DSR acts per V.25.
&T0 Terminate any test in progress.
Chapter 7
*Serial Interface operation only.