Console Instructions
WEIGHT and AGE. During your workout, these buttons are used to increase/decrease the
resistance level from 1 to 16. Press and hold for two seconds to rapidly increase/decrease val-
In order to offer more flexibility during your workout, additional toggle switches are placed on
the upright handlebar. The buttons are the +/- and MODE. They are used the same way as
the buttons on the console. These buttons may be used at anytime as a substitute to pressing
the buttons located on the console.
If a target time was not selected, time will count up from 00:00 to maximum 99:59. When
working out with a target time, time will count down from target to 00:00. When selecting
target time, use the +/- buttons, the time will change in 1 minute increments and can range
from 1:00 min to 99:00 mins.
Displays current training speed from 0.0 to maximum 99.9 KM or MPH.
Displays current training revolutions per minute.
If a target distance was not selected, distance will count up from 0.00 to maximum 99.90.
When working out with a target distance, distance will count down from target to 0.0. When
selecting target time, use the +/- buttons, the distance will change in 0.1 mile increments and
can range from 0.00 miles to 99.90 miles.
If target calories were not selected, calories will count up from 0 to maximum 990. When
working out with target calories, calories will count down from target to 0. When selecting
target calories, use the +/- buttons, the calories will change in 10 calorie increments and can
range from 0 calories to 990 calories.
Displays your current heart rate as soon as both hands are holding the pulse sensor. The mon-
itor will detect your heart rate through hand grip sensors that are located on the upright and
near the seat. Note: It may take several seconds for the electronics to detect and display an
accurate heart rate reading.
Displays current training watt figures. A watt is a measurement of the amount of power gener-
ated by the user based on the resistance and speed.