Use the controls in the ADVANCED menu, shown in Figure 4-16, to perform advanced image adjustments.
Figure 4-16: H9080FD ADVANCED Menu
Color Space: Select Color Space from the ADVANCED menu to choose the color space of the source signal for
HDMI, RGB, and component connections.
The default setting, Auto, functions as follows:
HDMI: If the Auxiliary Video Information (AVI) infoframe contains color space and/or range data, the H9080FD
uses that information. Otherwise, for RGB sources, the H9080FD uses the RGB-Video color space. For compo-
nent SDTV and EDTV resolutions, REC601 is used. For other component video resolutions, REC709 is used.
RGB: If Hsync or Vsync signals are present, the H9080FD uses the RGB-PC color space. Otherwise, REC601 is
used for SDTV and EDTV sources, and REC709 for all other sources.
Component: For SDTV and EDTV resolutions, the H9080FD uses the REC601 color space. For all other resolu-
tions REC709 is used.
In most cases, the Auto setting determines the correct color space to use. If it does not, you can force the H9080FD
to use a specific color space. Choose one of the following:
REC709 sets the color space matrix to that defined in ITU-R BT.709.
REC601 sets the color space matrix to that defined in ITU-R BT.601.
RGB-PC uses RGB color space and sets black at 0,0,0 RGB and white at 255,255,255 RGB, assuming an 8-bit
RGB-Video uses RGB color space and sets black at 16,16,16 RGB and white at 235,235,235, assuming an 8-bit
image, to correspond to the luminance values defined in digital component standards.