IR Codes and Keynames
No. Code 1 Keyname Remote Button Description
14. 0x8B src.1 Switch the active source to HDMI 1.
15. 0x8C src.2 Switch the active source to HDMI 2.
16. 0x8D src.3 Switch the active source to RGB.
17. 0x8E src.4 Switch the active source to COMP 1.
18. 0x8F src.5 Switch the active source to VIDEO.
19. 0x89 src.6 Switch the active source to COMP 2.
20. 0x93 osc.sw Switch to the next Overscan mode.
21. 0x98 mem.1
Recall user memory associated with the User 1 key.
22. 0x99 mem.2
Recall user memory associated with the User 2 key.
23. 0x9A color.temp Switch the color temperature.
24. 0x9D asp.sw Switch to the next aspect ratio.
25. 0xA3 pip.sw Switch to next “PIP Select” state.
26. 0xAA pip.swap
Swap the PIP image with the active source image.
27. 0xAD
Changes the OSD menu position when OSD is activated.
Table 6-1: IR Codes and Keynames
serial inTerfaCe speCifiCaTions