system and 30 fps in a 60Hz system. If your network bandwidth is more than 384Kbps, you can fix the bit rate according to your bandwidth and set the maximum frame rate to 25 fps or 30 fps. If you are shooting
Only Quality Images Will Do
To have the best video quality, you should set “Fix quality” at “Detailed” or “Excellent” and adjust the “Maximum frame rate” to match your network’s bandwidth. If your network is slow and you receive “broken” pictures, go to the TCP protocol in “Connection type” and choose a more appropriate mode of transmission. The images may suffer a time delay due to a slower connection. The delay will also increase with added number of users.
Somewhere Between Real-time and Clear Images
If you have a broadband network, set “Fix quality” at ”Normal” or better, rather than setting “Fix bit rate”. You can also fix the bandwidth according to your actual network speed and adjust the frame rate. Start from 30 fps down for best results but not below 15 fps. If the image qualities are not improved, select a lower bandwidth setting.
Viewing Double size image
The Network Camera not only provide standard CIF/SIF format video, but also provide 4CIF/4SIF format video. For selecting “Double” video size, the video from the Network Camera can provide more details, but less
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