Example of an auto-refresh web page:


<p align=left>

<font size="7" face="Comic Sans MS" color="#FF0000"> Network Camera Demo



<p align=left>

<!-- Begin of scripts to auto refresh the image. Change the IP address in the image URL and refreshrate if necessary. //-->

<script language=javascript> var refreshrate=2;

var image="/cgi-bin/video.jpg"; var imgwidth=352;

var imgheight=240; function refresh(){ document.images["pic"].src=image+"?"+new Date(); setTimeout('refresh()', refreshrate*1000);} document.write('<img src="'+image+'" height="'+imgheight+'"

width="'+imgwidth+'" name="pic">'); if(document.images) window.onload=refresh; </script>

<!-- End of scripts to auto refresh the image. //--> </p>



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T:886-2-82455282 F: 886-2-82455532

Page 28
Image 28
Vivotek PT3117, PT3127 manual 886-2-82455282 F