Telephone settings
Clear voicemail
If you subscribe to voicemail service offered by your telephone company, NEW VOICEMAIL and will appear on the handsets, and the VOICEMAIL lights on the handsets and telephone base flash when you have new voicemail messages. Contact your local telephone company for more information and assistance about using your voicemail service.
After you have listened to all new voicemail messages, the indicators on the handsets and telephone base turn off automatically.
Use the clear voicemail feature when the telephone indicates that there is new voicemail but there is none (for example, when you have accessed your voicemail while away from home). Clearing the voicemail waiting indicator only turns off the indicators; it does not delete your voicemail messages. As long as you have new voicemail messages, your local telephone company continues to send the signal to turn on the indicators.
To manually turn off these indicators: | >CLR VOICEMAIL | ||
1. | Press PLAY/MENU/SELECT to show the menu when the |
| handset is not in use. |
| |
2. | Press or to select >CLR VOICEMAIL, then press |
| TURN OFF | ||
| PLAY/MENU/SELECT. The screen shows TURN OFF |
| |
3. | Press PLAY/MENU/SELECT to confirm your selection. |
Your telephone service provider might alert you to new messages with a stutter (broken) dial tone. Contact your service provider for details.