Customizing the tablet appearance

To customize your tablet’s appearance, you can place a favorite photo or design beneath the clear cover by following these instructions:

1.Turn the tablet upside down and slide the four locking sliders toward the middle of the tablet.

2.Lift the tablet away from the clear cover. Then place the photo or design face-down in

the clear cover.


Locking slider.


3.Place the tablet back into the clear cover. Slide the four locking sliders back to their original positions. You can then turn the tablet face-up.

Note: To customize the underlay with a design that covers the entire electronic portion of the tablet, templates are provided in the TEMPLATES folder on the Wacom Pen Tablet Driver CD.

Use photo-quality paper for best results, and trim the sheet to size before placing it beneath the clear cover as explained above.

Important: Graphire4 is designed for use with the clear cover. Using Graphire4 without the clear cover may negatively affect the pen performance and accuracy, and the pen nib may scratch the paint. Also, you will not be able to see the tablet’s status light. Wacom recommends that you always use the tablet with the clear cover in place.