Interactive pen display








Enables you to simulate modifier key(s) (such as SHIFT, ALT, or CTRL for Windows,


or SHIFT, OPTION, COMMAND, and CONTROL for Macintosh). Many applications use


modifier keys to constrain the size or placement of objects.

Choose one or more modifier key options. Select the CLICK box if you want a mouse click to occur whenever you press the pen button.


Displays a Radial Menu on your screen. Each level of the hierarchical menu


consists of eight menu slices which may contain various features and options to


choose from.


Simulates the BACK command in browser applications.


Simulates the FORWARD command in browser applications.


Enables you to position a document or image in any direction within the active


pane by pressing a pen button set for PAN/SCROLL and then dragging with the pen


tip across the pen display screen active area.


When you select PAN/SCROLL, the PEN


SCROLL SPEED dialog box prompts you


to set a scrolling speed for use in


applications that do not support






grabber hand (pixel-level) panning


within a document or image.


A slower setting reduces the scroll rate


and is useful for close-up and detail


work where you need precise control of


the image.


As you move the pen tip, the document


or image is repositioned to follow the


direction of pen movement on the pen


display screen surface.


Release the button or lift the pen tip


from the display screen surface when


you are done.


In some application windows the


document will precisely follow the


screen cursor as you move the pen tip,


while in others it will simply move in the


same general direction as the screen


