14.Clean spray tip and gun filter with a soft brush. Reassemble spray tip in cleaning position. (Arrow points to back of the gun.)
16.Turn the unit on and unlock gun trigger. Turn to Spray B and point gun to side of cleaning bucket.
15. Attach paint hose to gun,tighten with two wrenches.
Figure 41 - Cleaning Bucket
17.Trigger gun and gradually turn pressure knob clock- wise to 1/2 pressure. Continue for approximately 30 seconds.
18.Release and lock trigger, reduce pressure, turn to prime A . Turn unit off.
19.Remove tip assembly. Raise the suction set above the cleaning solution. Turn unit on, turn to spray B increase pressure and allow suction tube to run dry.
20.Remove large suction tube from inlet valve, See Figure 42 and point gun into cleaning bucket, See Figure 41. Reduce pressure about 1/2, unlock gun, trigger gun until hose is pumped dry.
Figure 40 - Attach Paint Hose to Gun
Figure 42 - Removing Large Suction Tube