1.Lay unit back on its handle so inlet valve is facing up. Fill inlet valve with water or light household oil.
2. Make sure Prime/Spray Knob is in Prime A position and Pressure Knob is turned to the lowest pressure. (Counter clockwise) See Figure 11. Turn unit on.
Inlet Valve Facing Up
PrimeA /Spray B
Hose Port
Figure 11 - Prime/Spray Knob
3. Increase pressure half turn.
Pressure Control
Figure 12 - Pressure Control Knob
4.Force the inlet valve to open and close by pushing on it with the eraser end of a pencil or screwdriver, it should move up and down about 1/16 inch. Continue until water or oil is sucked into unit. This will assist in wetting the moving parts and breaking loose any old paint residue. See Figure 13.
Figure 13 - Opening Inlet Valve
5.Put palm of hand over inlet valve and feel for a slight suction while increasing the pressure control to the maximum setting. See Figure 14. If suction is felt go to step 6. If no suction is felt see Cleaning and Servicing Outlet Valve. ( Repeat steps 1 through 5 if necessary.)
Figure 14 - Checking for Suction
6.Turn Pressure Control Knob to minimum pressure and shut off unit.
7. Return unit to upright position.