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To odd lubricont to eilher choin cose it is necessory to tip liller on itslefi side lo expose tevel ptugsof eocn cose. Add sufficient teod bose (Ep)SAEtaO neovy duty oil (Port4890)to bring to propdr oit tevet.
3. The followingpoinls should be lubricoted with engine oit every eight hours(see Figure12).Be-
fore oiling ottemptlo cleon off oreo lo be lubri- coled.
A.The4 idler pulleys.
B.Thehondle plungershoflond disc. C. Theconirol rod swivels.
D. Thehondle roloting surfoce.
E. Com ond detenl boll ond shoft.
F.Hondle control lever.
G. Tinedrive bellcronkpivot.