Whenthe handlebar is in tnansportlocation,fhe clufch control lever will only operofe by pulling the lever bock. Thisengoges the drive to the wheelsond the tiller moves forword of tronsporl speed. When re- leosed, fhe control lever refurnsto neulrol.
GAUTION:Do nor adiust rilling depth wfth rhe tines rotatang.Placeclutch control leyer in the neutral position before makhrgadiustments of depth con- trol.
Thedepth conirol lever is the "key" to eosy tilling op- erotion.Theexoct settingof control will vory wilh soil condilions.
When storlingo tilling operotion,stortwith the depth confrol lever in lhe shollowesfsetting (Figure 3). As you become ocquointed with the soil,keep roising the controlleverso thof deeper tilling con be done.
CAUTfON:ff depth control lever is roised loo high,iV the lines will propel the tiller fonruordpushing the lV drive wheelsolong the groundof on uncontrolled speed.
When sfortingto till unworked soil or sod, sfort in the shqllowestsettingof fhe depth confrol lever ond roise lhe depth control one notch ol o time unlil you or- rive ol o sofistocforylocolion of the lever so thot the deepest tilling con be done withouthoving uncon- frolled fonvord speed.
Whenyou slortfotill in the gorden,rememberto toke it eosy. Do nol lry to loke too deep o cul in o poss throughsod or hord ground,or soil thot hos nol been tilled for severol monfhsor yeors.
Do nol leon on the hondle bors becouse fhistokes weight off the front wheels, reduces troction, ond couses the tines to ottempl to propel the filler in- steodof justdigging.
Thereore severol schools of thought os to the best methodto till. lt is suggestedyou lry the voriousmeth- ods ond select the one you ore most comfortoble with lo get lhe resulfsyou desire.
A.On eoch succeeding poss, overlop
B.On the second poss,leove o 1/2 width untilled ond till lhiswidth on lhe third poss.Repeoton ihe fourthposs,leoving o 1/2 width untilledond on the fiflhposs,tillthe untilledstrip.
C.UseA or B ond repeoi ot 90 degrees.
Rememberthe key to eosy tilling is the depth con- trolsetting.Do nottry lo toke loo deep o cut in horder soils.
Now thot you hove locoted the controlsond under- sfond lheir operotion ond function,il is time to stort yourtiller.
1.Ploceclutch confrolleverin neulrol.
2.Pushthrottle control lever oheod to fosl position.
3.Adjustengine choke lo proper posilion.(Referto engineslortingproceduresin engine seclion.)
4.Slortengine by pullingslorlercord.
To Stop Engine
1.Ploceclutch controlleverin neutrolposition.
2.Pullfhrottlecontrol ond engine slop lever to the stop posilion.