W i e b e T e c h L L C
4.5.2 Volume group
Enter Volume group to view the status of each volume group.
(Figure RAID 0 setup, with 4 physical disks, named “VG-R0”, total size is 227GB. One associated UDV of 100GB has been created, so free space is 127GB. VG status is online.)
•VG column description:
No. | Volume group number. Click | next to the Volume |
| No. to display details of this VG. |
Name | Volume group name. Click | next to the Name to |
| change the name of this VG. |
Status 1
Status 2
Total capacity of this volume group.
Remaining free capacity of this volume group.
The number of physical disks which the volume group is using.
The number of user data volumes related to this volume group.
The status of volume group.
Æ volume group is online. Æ volume group has failed.
Æ Degrade mode. This volume group is not complete due to a missing drive or failed
R Æ Recover. This volume group is in the process of
ProSATA SS8 User Manual | - 21 - |