Guard Spring
To replace a worn out blade guard spring, do these steps:
1.Lay the jointer on its side so the switch is facing up.
2.Remove the bottom cover.
3.Remove the screw that secures the blade guard from beneath and remove the blade guard (Figure 41).
4.Remove the screw that secures the blade guard spring and remove the spring (Figure 42). Make note of the spring position before removal. This will simplify installing the new spring.
5.Reverse the above steps to
6.Test the blade guard to make sure it is func- tioning correctly.
Since all bearings are sealed and permanently lubricated, simply leave them alone until they need to be replaced. Do not lubricate them.
For the moving mechanisms on the fence assem- bly, an occasional application of light machine oil is all that is necessary. Before applying lubri- cant, wipe the fence clean. Lubricate the pivot points and move the fence back and forth as shown in Figure 43. Your goal is to achieve ade- quate lubrication. Too much lubrication will attract dirt and sawdust.
Finally, keep the sliding surfaces clean and free of any dirt or sawdust. Give these areas, espe- cially the key and keyway, an application of powdered graphite. Powdered graphite works great because it does not attract dirt or saw- dust.
Figure 41. Blade guard mounting screw.
Figure 42. Blade guard spring.
Figure 43. Lubricating fence pivot points.