W1758 Owner's Manual (Mfg. Since 3/10)
Selecting Turning Tools
Lathe chisels come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and usually fall into five major categories. See Figures
Gouges: Mainly used for rough cutting, detail cutting, and cove profiles. The rough gouge is a hollow,
Skew Chisels: A very versatile tool that can be used for planing, squaring,
Scrapers: Typically used where access for other tools is limited, such as hollowing operations. This is a flat, dou-
Parting Tools: Used for sizing and cutting off work. This is a flat tool with a sharp pointed nose that may be single or
Specialty Tools: These unique, special function tools aid in hollowing, bowl making, cutting profiles, etc.
Refer to Accessories on Page 26 for examples of recom- mended wood chisels.
Figure 22. Example of a gouge.
Figure 23. Example of a skew chisel.