Time remaining display reads C C C.
For the TIME function to operate correctly you must enter your BATTERY CAPACITY through the SETUP routine (see page 9). You must also set up the correct PEUKERT'S EXPONENT (see page 13). It is also affected by your selection of DISCHARGE FLOOR (see page 14).
Caution: The TIME display is an estimate of how long your battery can sustain a load. Wild variations in battery current, battery condition, erroneously declared battery capacity, Peukert's exponent, temperature, or discharge floor, and prior charge and discharge history may affect the accuracy of this estimate. Please use this display only as a guide. The LINK 2000 provides you with several important battery parameters. Using all of them, including voltage, current, amp hours consumed, and time remaining, allows you to know about the
When 50% of the declared capacity of either Battery #1 or #2 is consumed, LO BAT flashes in the upper left hand corner of the display. (This indicator is affected by both the declared battery capacity and the discharge floor setting.)
When the INVERT switch is pressed, the inverter is enabledandtheGreenLEDislit.Theinverterwillonlyprovide output if it is hooked up to the battery and there is no external AC power available. The inverter ON indicator does not indicateactualoperation,onlythattheinverterisenabled.The initial
When the CHARGE switch is pressed, the charging function of the Freedom Inverter/Charger is enabled. The GreenLEDislitwhenthechargerisenabled.Theinitialpower- upconditioniswiththechargerenabled.Thechargerwillonly provide output if it is hooked up to a battery and an external source of AC power is present (shorepower or generator).
When utility power is available, any loads normally supplied by the inverter are automatically transferred to utility power through the internal transfer switch. When utility power is not available the loads run on stored energy in the battery. If you have a load such as an electric space heater running on a circuit that is automatically transferred, you run the risk of deeply discharging your battery if there is a utility blackout. To avoid this, turn the inverterfunctionOFFwhenleavingtheboatorRVunattended.Leavingthechargerfunction ON will ensure a full battery when you return.