Function Keys and Other Displays

On the virtual control panel simulation, the buttons of the real control panel have been replaced with labels shown as F1 through F10. These refer to the function keys of the computer keyboard which are located either above or next to the main keyboard area. Each function key is associated with a specific inverter operation. Pressing the appropriate function key causes the display on both the inverter and the PC screen to change accordingly.

The virtual control panel also shows the LCD display window on the inverter’s control panel. This will show the same information that is available at the inverter. When no adapter is available, the text “ADAPTER OFFLINE” appears. When an SWCA has been successfully connected, the LCD display window of the control panel simulator shows what is displayed on the inverter LCD display (e.g., adapter 3).

To the right of the LCD display area on the control panel simulator is an area where the status of the inverter’s LED indicators are displayed. Any active LEDs are displayed by the label description of the LEDs function being shown. If the LED is flashing on the inverter, then the label description of the LED will also flash on the control panel simulator.

Since the same menu system is used with the control panel simulator as with the inverter itself, the operation of the SWCA will be familiar to anyone who has programmed a SW series inverter/charger system. The only difference is the use of the function keys instead of the buttons.

The SWCA Programming Menu

The SWCA Programming Menu provides the means to change the SWCA ID number or for changing the adapter’s configuration code. It also provides the means for applying a textual identification labels.

Below the “LCD” display on the computer version, the word “ADAPTER” appears. This shows which inverter is being accesssed To access the different inverters, simply enter the ID number of the inverter (1-8) that you want to control

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Figure 3-2

SWCA Programming Menu Display

©2002 Xantrex Technology Inc.


P/N 973-0022-01-01 Rev A 04/2002

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Image 18
Xantrex Technology SW Communications Adapter owner manual Function Keys and Other Displays, Swca Programming Menu