Using the Control Panel
Chapter 3: Printing ❖3-57
Using the Control PanelThe DocuPrint NC60 Contro l Panel (Figure 3.1) serves
three purposes:
1. It displays information about the status of the printer
(or the job in process) and
2. It provides the means for changing printer settings to
control how the DocuPrint NC60 operates.
3. It allows you to print internal pages or password pages
stored on the optional hard drive.
Figure 3.1 DocuPrint NC60 Contro l Panel
1On Line LED
2Press Enter LED
3Two line, user interface
4Color Process LEDs
5On Line/Off Line key
Password #0
6Enter key
Password #1
7Menu Up key
Password #2
8Menu Down key
Password #3
9Item Up key
Password #4
10 Item Down key
Password #5
11 Value Up ke y
Password #6
12 Value Dow n key
Password #7