Using the Control Panel
Chapter 3: Printing 3-59
The Keys The Control Panel keypad consists of eight keys,
identified with international symbols and/or labeled in
English. The keys are also numbered 0 - 7.
Table3.3 describes the function of each key.
Table 3.3 C ontrol Panel keys and their functions
Key Description
On Line • If the Printer is On-line and not in the menu system, pressing this key causes a
transition to Off-line. All pages currently in the paper path are printed and then
printing pauses until the printer is placed On-line. Data are still accepted over all
network interfaces.
• If the printer is On-line and in the menu system, pressing this key exits the menu
system. The printer remains On-line.
• If the printer is Off-line and not in the menu system, pressing this key causes the
printer to change to the On-line state.
• If the printer is Off-line and in the menu system, pressing this key exits the Menu
system. The printer state changes to On-line.
Enter • If the current display is a value for an item, pressing this key causes the value to be
entered as the current default value for this item.
• If the current display is an action to be invoked (e. g. “PCL Font List”, “Restart
Printer”), pressing this key causes the action to occur.
• If not in the menu system, and the “Press Enter” LED indicates that a partial page
exists, pressing this key causes an implied PCL reset and the partial page is ejected.
• If a paper mismatch condition exists, and a request to use an alternate paper is
displayed, pressing this key causes printing on the paper currently loaded in the
selected tray (Print Anyway).
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