AW1600 Owner’s Manual
Creating a tempo map
Song management
3Move the cursor to the item that you want to
edit, and turn the [DATA/JOG] dial to edit
the value.
value is “–”, move the cursor to the item and press the
[ENTER] key before you edit the value.
The range for each item is as follows.
1Access the TEMPO page, move the cursor
to the NEW button, and press the [ENTER]
A blank tempo map event will be created after the last
step that is currently input.
2Make sure that the cursor is outside the list,
and turn the [DATA/JOG] dial to select a
tempo map event that you created.
When the cursor is located outside the list, you can
turn the [DATA/JOG] dial to scroll the contents of the
3Move the cursor to the MEAS field of the
event that is selected in the list, and turn
the [DATA/JOG] dial to specify the location
of the event.
You can adjust the location of a tempo map event in
units of measures or beats. However, you cannot move
an event past the preceding or following event.
4Move the cursor to the item that you want to
edit, and turn the [DATA/JOG] dial to adjust
the value.
If necessary, you can play back the song to check that
the tempo map event works as you expect.
5In the same way, use the NEW or INSERT
button to add new events, and set their
Here’s how to delete an unwanted event from the tempo
map. (However, you cannot delete the event that is located
at the beginning of the song.)
1Access the TEMPO page, and scroll the list
to select the tempo map event that you
want to delete.
2Move the cursor to the DELETE button and
press the [ENTER] key.
The selected event will be deleted.
Event Range Content
METER 1/4 to 8/4, – Specifies the time signature of the
30.0 to 250.0, – Specifies the tempo of the song.
You can set the tempo in units of
0.1 over a range of 30.0–250.0
BANK 1–4
A to D, – Selects the sample bank that will
be used for each pad 1–4.
SCENE 00 to 96, – Switches the scene number used
by the song.
The METER, TEMPO, and PAD BANK 1–4 at the beginning of
the song cannot be set to “–”.
•You cannot change the METER value to other than “–” for a
step that is not located at beat 1.
•You cannot delete the tempo map event located at the begin-
ning of the song, or change its location. If you want to change
the tempo or time signature during the song, you can insert a
new event.
If you set METER, TEMPO, PAD BANK 1–4, or SCENE to a
value of “–”, that event will be disabled. For example if you
want to specify only the time signature and tempo, you should
set the pad bank and scene to “–”.

Adding a tempo map event

If you use the INSERT button instead of the NEW button, a
blank tempo map event will be inserted before the currently
selected step. However, you cannot insert an event before the
tempo map event at the beginning of the song (i.e., the tempo
map event that is input when you create the song).

Deleting a tempo map event