AW1600 Owner’s Manual
Using the MIDI Remote function
MIDI and utility functions
To access the PRESET page of the REMOTE screen,
repeatedly press the Work Navigate section [REMOTE]
key or hold down the [REMOTE] key and use the CUR-
SOR [ ]/[ ] keys.
This page contains the following items.
Select one of the ten presets shown in this list. The line
enclosed in the dotted frame is the currently selected pre-
set. When you turn the [DATA/JOG] dial to select another
preset, the MIDI message assignments will be switched
The AW1600 provides the following presets.
●00 Cubase
●01 Logic
●02 Sonar
●03 ProTools
These presets let you use the AW1600 as a physical con-
troller for various software sequencers.
• [TRACK SEL] key operations will control mute on/off
operations on the sequencer software.
•Fader operations will control the volume of the
sequencer software tracks.
You will need to install the appropriate setting file into
your sequencer software, and make the necessary settings.
For details, refer to the “Appendix” section “About the
CD-ROM included with the AW1600” (→ p. 209).
●04 Volume/RecTr
Use this preset to control the volume of an external tone
generator or the recording tracks of an external recorder.
• [TRACK SEL] key operations will transmit MMC com-
mands to select recording tracks.
•Fader operations will transmit Volume control changes
●05 Volume
Use this preset to control the volume of an external tone
• [TRACK SEL] key operations will transmit Volume
control change messages (CC#=07).
•When you turn a [TRACK SEL] key off (dark), volume
= 0 will be transmitted.
• When you turn a [TRACK SEL] key on (lit green), the
volume value corresponding to the fader position will
be transmitted.
• When a [TRACK SEL] key is on operating the fader
will transmit Volume control change messages
●06 XG 1-16
●07 XG 17-32
●08 XG 33-48
●09 XG 49-64
These presets let you use the AW1600 as a volume con-
troller for an XG tone generator. Each preset will control
the XG-compatible tone generator’s parts 1–16, 17–32,
33–48, and 49–64 respectively.
• [TRACK SEL] key operations will switch the part on/
•Fader operations will control the volume of the part.
If you select preset 07–09, the button indications will
change as follows.
●Preset 07
1-16 button → 17-32 button
1-12 button → 17-28 button
9-16 button → 25-32 button
●Preset 08
1-16 button → 33-48 button
1-12 button → 33-44 button
9-16 button → 41-48 button
●Preset 09
1-16 button → 49-64 button
1-12 button → 49-60 button
9-16 button → 57-64 button
Choose one of these buttons to select the MIDI channels
that will be assigned to the faders and the [TRACK SEL]
keys, as shown in the following tables.
•The MIDI Remote function will automatically be on while this page
is displayed. The track channel faders and [TRACK SEL] keys will
not perform their usual functions, but will work as specified by the
preset you have selected in the PRESET page.