MIDI IN <SW1> <SW2> <Filter>
Note on/off <<9n>> MIDI
Polyphonic key pressure *1<<An>> OUT
Control change <<Bn>>
All sound off <<Bn 78 00>>
Reset all controller <<Bn 79 00>>
All note off *2<<Bn 7B 00>>
Program change <<Cn>>
Channel pressure <<Dn>>
Pitch change <<En>>
System exclusive <<F0....F7>>
Song position pointer <<F2>>
Song select <<F3>>
Timing clock <<F8>> <SW1>
Start <<FA>>
Continue <<FB>>
Stop <<FC>>
Active sensing <<FE>>
Arbitrary 1byte data <<xx>>
MIDI Data Format■ MIDI Transmission
● Transmit Condition
*1 This applies only to the highest note played.
*2 This is output only when a MIDI buffer full error
<SW1> When the CBX-K1XG is set to send <<F8>>
messages, <<F8>> messages from the CBX-K1XG will
be output. When the CBX-K1XG is not set to send
<<F8>> messages, <<F8>> messages from the CBX-
K1XG will not be output, but <<F8>> messages from a
connected external device will be merged.
<SW2> When Merge is set to ON, the incoming data is
<Filter> This is Merge On/Off for each channel.
1.1 Note On / Note Off
1001nnnn 9n Status n=Channel number
0kkkkkkk kk* Note # k=0(C-2)...127(G8):C3=60
0vvvvvvv vv Velocity v=0:Note off,
v=1...127:Note on
* “kk” is the hexadecimal expression of 0kkkkkkk; same as
for “tt”, “aa”, etc.
Messages which are generated when the keyboard is played.
Reception note range = C-2 (0) – G8 (127), C3 = 60
Velocity range = 1 – 127 (Only the Key On velocity is received)
Key On: Generated when a key is pressed.
Key Off: Generated when a key is released.
Each message includes a specific note number which corresponds to
the key which is pressed, plus a velocity value based on how hard the
key is struck.
1.2 Polyphonic Aftertouch
1010nnnn An Status n=Channel number
0kkkkkkk kk Note # k=0(C-2)...127(G8):C3=60
0vvvvvvv vv Value v=0...127
Messages which let you control various functions by the pressure you
apply to the keys after the initial striking of the keys.
When pressing several keys simultaneously, after touch of only the
highest note number is output.
Though the keyboard of the CBX-K1XG itself has no after touch, af-
ter touch data can be transmitted from the ASSIGNABLE Wheel when
Channel pressure or Polyphonic key pressure is assigned to the Wheel.
1.3 Control Change
1011nnnn Bn Status n=Channel number
0ccccccc cc Control #
0vvvvvvv vv ControlValue v=0...127
Messages which control volume, panning, and other controller param-
eters. Each type of Control Change message is assigned to a specific
control number.
When RPN or NRPN is assigned to the ASSIGNABLE Wheel, the
MSB, LSB and data entry values are transmitted in a group each time.
1.4 Program Change
1100nnnn Cn Status n=Channel number
0ppppppp pp Program # p=0...127
Messages for Voice selection.
With a combination of Bank Select, you can select not only basic Voice
numbers, but also variation Voice bank numbers.
1.5 Channel Aftertouch
1101nnnn Dn Status n=Channel number
0vvvvvvv vv Value v=0...127
Messages which let you control various functions by the pressure you
apply to the keys after the initial striking of the keys, over the entire
Though the keyboard of the CBX-K1XG itself has no after touch, af-
ter touch data can be transmitted from the ASSIGNABLE Wheel when
Channel pressure or Polyphonic key pressure is assigned to the Wheel.
1.6 Pitch Bend
1110nnnn En Status n=Channel number
0lllllll ll Value LSB
0mmmmmmm mm Value MSB
Messages for pitch bend wheel values.
Resolution is 7 bit. Transmission data is listed below.
00000000 (00) 00000000 (00) Min.
01000000 (40) 00000000 (00) Center
01111111 (7F) 01111110 (7E) Max.
2.1 All Sounds Off
1011nnnn Bn Status n=Channel number
01111000 78
00000000 00
Terminates all sounds currently sounding on the specified channel.