STEP 10:
STEP 11:
STEP 12:
STEP 13:
STEP 14:
D1L = 0
D2R = 0
RR = 10
Copy OP3 (carrier) EG Parameters to OP4 (modulator)
Hold down the EG COPY button and press the OPERATOR/AMS
Raise OP4 (modulator) Output Level
Select OP4, select the OPERATOR OUTPUT LEVEL parameter and set it to 71.
Set OP4 Frequency Ratio
To get a metallic attack “ping,” we’ll set the OP4 output level frequence ratio to
7.00.With OP4 selected, press the OPERATOR FREQ RATIO button and set to
Play a note and listen to the attack sound.
Combine all Operators and Balance Levels
Turn OP1 and OP2 back on so we can here the combined sound of the two operator stacks. Play a note. At this point the attack sound is far too loud, so we’ll reduce the output level of OP3 to achieve a better balance.
Select OP3, press the OPERATOR OUTPUT LEVEL button and set to 70.
Play a
Set Feedback Level
We can enhance the attack sound of the voice by adding just a touch of “bite” using feedback. Select the FEEDBACK parameter and set to 5.
Set Keyboard Level Scaling
Play a few notes or chords across the range of the keyboard. At this point the
Try the entire keyboard range