This is NOT an owner’s manual!This is NOT an owner’s manual!
At least not an ordinary one. But, then again, the DX200 is no ordinary
instrument. It’s packed with exciting, powerful, yet easy-to-use features that
give you complete, hands-on sonic control — plus tons of dynamic real-time
functions that can bring an extra edge to your live performances!
With all the digital power under this small hood, the DX200 is a stunning
new instrument of the future. Yet it also brings you the very best of the old
analog world — just look at all those knobs for twisting and tweaking your
We know you don’t like reading manuals. But you owe it to yourself to look
through this collection of hot tips. They show you how to get the most out of
your new DX200 in the shortest time possible.
It’s like having an expert programmer take you by the hand and show you
the ropes, sharing all the tricks and techniques you need to be a master on
the instrument yourself. These tips take you from the bare-bones basics, to
advanced power tips that get you pumping out fat sounds and happening
tracks — in no time flat!
So jump in …