Chapter 17 Real World Tips
74 Changing the pitch with the keyboard
As you saw in Tip 26, you can use the keyboard of the DX200 to change pitch and even create chord pro-
gressions on the fly. But you can get really wild and crazy with this feature, too — and come up with some
truly mad techno mayhem.

1 Select and play a Pattern.

2 Call up Transpose.

Hold [SHIFT] and press [TRANSPOSE] ([KEYBOARD]).

3 Now, “play” the pitch changes from the keyboard.

Try out these specific exercises and see where they take you.
Starting with button [9] (low C on the keyboard), go up chromatically — pressing each successive key
in turn. Try it in rhythm, pressing a different key every other beat, like this:
Count “ONE-two-THREE-four,” hitting the buttons on “ONE” and “THREE.”
Use the [OCT <<]/[OCT >>] buttons, too! Try selecting different octaves on the fly, and pressing vari-
ous keys.
Can you play a two-finger trill? (A trill is two notes played alternately — very quickly.) If you can’t do
it with one hand, try two. For example, alternate between buttons [10] and [12] (D and F), like this:
Here, you play two keys on every beat — count “ONE-AND-TWO-AND-THREE-AND-FOUR-AND,” and hit
each count.
ONE two THREE four ONE two THREE four ONE two THREE four ONE two THREE four ONE two THREE four ONE two THREE four