This parameter produces a gradual decrease in note output level towards the right (high) end of the keyboard. Many acoustic instruments exhibit a gradual falloff in level towards the higher notes, and this function can be used to create the most natural overall keyboard response for any particular voice.
The data range is from 0 to 99. At 0 no level scaling is applied. At 99 the deepest keyboard level scaling effect is produced, and highest note on the keyboard may be almost inaudible. Set this parameter for the most natural overall balance for the particular voice.
These switches select the specific pitch envelope generator parameters to be worked on: PITCH RATE 1, PITCH LEVEL 1, PITCH RATE 2, PITCH LEVEL 2, PITCH RATE 3 and PITCH LEVEL 3. Note that the parameters are slightly different from those of the volume envelope generator, and that there are six parameters instead of five. The data range for all pitch envelope generator RATE and LEVEL parameters is 0 to 99. For the RATE parameters 99 is the fastest rate (instantaneous) and 0 the slowest. The LEVEL parameters actually correspond to pitch. 50 is standard pitch, 99 is the highest pitch and 0 is the lowest pitch reachable with the pitch EG. The following chart shows the relationship between the pitch EG rate and level pa- rameters.
PL3 (Pitch Level 3) is the level (pitch) at which the note begins and finishes. PR1 (Pitch Rate 1) is the speed at which the pitch moves from PL3 to PL1 when a key is pressed. PR2 is the speed at which the EG curve moves from PL1 to PL2. The EG begins moving towards PL2 immediately after PL1 is reached. PL2 is the “sustain” pitch. The pitch determined by PL2 will be maintained as long as a key is held. Once the key is released the EG will begin moving back towards PL3 at a rate determined by the setting of PR3. PR3 can be thought of as the “release” rate. If all level parameters are set at 50 (standard pitch), the pitch envelope generator will have no effect.