3.The DUAL Play Mode
4.The SPLIT Play Mode
Enter the DUAL mode by pressing the PLAY DUAL button.
“DU” in the upper left display corner indicates that the DUAL mode has been se- lected. The upper display line now shows the number and name of any voice selected from the “A” row of memory selectors, while the lower display line shows the number and name of any voice selected from the “B” row of voice selectors. The number in the lower left display corner indicates the value of the DUAL MODE DETUNE (see CHAPTER III: THE FUNCTION MODE).
In this mode any of the 16 voices from tone generator “A” can be selected and combined with any voice from tone generator “B”. As you try out various combinations of voices you’ll notice that some voices are louder than others, resulting in one voice overpowering the other when two are combined. This can be adjusted by using the A/B BALANCE control. Moving this control more towards the “A” end of the scale increases the volume of the “A” voice while decreasing the volume of the “B” voice. Moved in the opposite
Enter the SPLIT mode by pressing the PLAY SPLIT button.
“SP” in the upper left display corner indicates that the SPLIT mode has been selected. As in the DUAL mode the number and name of one voice selected from the “A” row will be shown on the upper display line, and the number and name of a voice selected from the “B” row will be shown on the lower display line. Unlike the DUAL mode, however, the two selected voices do not sound together. The “A” voice will be assigned to all keys to the left of and including the programmed “split” key, while the “B” voice will be assigned to all keys to the right of the split key. This type of arrangement lets you assign a bass voice, for example, to the left side of the keyboard and a piano voice to the right side of the keyboard so you can play bass and piano lines simultaneously.
The next step is to decide on and program the desired split point. Note that at the extreme left of the lower display line there is a number followed by a colon. This is the number of the selected split point. To program the split point, simply press the S POINT button (notice that this is the same as the PLAY SPLIT button you used to enter the SPLIT mode) and while holding it down press the key on the DX21 keyboard at which you want the split point to be programmed (C3=60).