![POWER] switch

This switch turns the power on and off. When the power is turned
on, the mode and status designated when the power was
previously turned off will still be active (with the exception of Panel
Swicth Lock; page 41).

" [PITCH] wheel

This wheel can be used to bend the pitch of the notes that you
play, up or down; the wheel automatically returns to the center
position when you release it. (In Dual mode, both voices are
affected; in Split mode, only the main voice is affected.) When the
MIDI Transmit Switch is enabled, you can use it to transmit pitch
bend messages to other instruments. You can assign the pitch
bend range to any value within a one-octave range.


This wheel can be used in various ways. Normally you will use it to
apply a vibrato effect to the notes that you play, with increasing
intensity as you roll it upwards; the wheel remains at the specific
position that you set it when you let go of it. (In Dual mode, both
voices are modulated; in Split mode, only the main voice is
modulated. The vibrato effect cannot be applied to Piano voices 1
~ 4.) You can also assign it to control reverb depth or modulation
speed. When MIDI transmission is enabled, you can use it to
transmit modulation messages to other instruments.