The P-200 is a rather sophisticated electronic instrument with many parameter settings which affect its operation status. As such,
occasionally you may find that it does not function as you think it should.
If this happens, before rushing the P-200 to the service center, carefully and methodically try to isolate the problem. Most of the
time you’ll find the problem to be of an extremely simple nature.
¥The first thing you should do is check whether the problem is in the P-200 itself, or in one of the connected devices, or in any of
the audio or MIDI cables.
¥Also try changing the voices or Performances on the P-200 and check if the problem persists. If the problem occurs with only
one specific voice or Performance, check each of its parameters to see if you can isolate the specific cause. If the problem
occurs regardless of which voice or Performance is selected, check the System parameters to see if a particular global setting is
the cause.

Possible Cause and Solution

No sound is output Check that:
from the P-200 ¥The [SPEAKER] switch on the rear panel is turned on.
¥The [VOLUME] slider is turned up.
¥The Foot Controller that is assigned to Volume or Expression (011) is
pressed down.
¥The Local On/Off feature is set to On. (See page 55.)
¥(If the Local On/Off feature is set to Off and you’re using the P-200 with a sequencer), the
Transmit Channel is set to the same number as the Receive Channel. (See page 55.)
Little or no sound is output Check that the Keyboard Sensitivity setting is appropriate. (See page 58.)
None of the panel controls seem Check that the Panel Switch Lock function is turned off.(See page 41.)
to function; pressing the panel
buttons has no effect.
Depending on which keys of the Check that in Split mode, the Balance setting is appropriate. (See page 34.)
keyboard are played, no sound
(or only a very soft sound) is
The pitch of the P-200 is off Check that:
or out of tune (compared ¥The Master Tune parameter is set correctly. (See page 51.)
to standard pitch or other ¥The Transpose feature is turned off. (See page 37.)
instruments) ¥The Detune (Dual mode) is set to 0. (See page 31.)
The pitch of the P-200 Check that the modulation settings are turned off, and the [MODULATION] wheel position is is
not pure set to minimum.
The sound is too thin, or too Check the Internal EQ as well as the Panel Equalizer settings. Adjust one or the other to flat,
“boomy”, or radically different or normal settings. (See pages 29, 59.) Also check the [MODULATION] wheel position, or
in timbre than expected the effect settings, as these can drastically alter the sound. (See pages 27, 28, 58.)
Some notes of a chord or You may have played more notes than the maximum polyphony of the P-200. Remember that
sustained passage polyphony is decreased when Dual or Split mode is active, or a stereo Piano is selected. (See
(held with the Footswitch) page 25.) The situation may also occur when playing the P-200’s keyboard at the same time
cannot be heard a sequencer is playing internal voices.
The reverb or modulation effect Check that:
cannot be heard ¥The Reverb is set to Active and not Bypass. (See page 51.)
¥The Reverb Depth setting or Modulation Speed setting is not 0. (See page 59.)
No sound is output from the Check that:
connected MIDI instruments ¥All MIDI connections have been properly made. (See pages 65, 66.)
¥The receive channel of the connected device matches that of the Transmit Channel for the
P-200. (See page 54.)
¥The MIDI Transmit switch is enabled. (See page 40.)
¥The Volume level settings of connected devices are at appropriate levels.