Using, Creating and Editing Voices
Voice Creating—Voice Set
PSR-S900/S700 Owner’s Manual
VIBRATOEFFECT/EQ1. REVERB DEPTH/CHORUS DEPTH/DSP DEPTH2. DSP3. EQHARMONYHarmony sets the Right 1 and 2 parts together. Press the PART SELECT [RIGHT 1] button before you set it.This has the same settings as the display of “Selecting the Harmony/Echo type” on page 89 in step 2.
A quavering, vibrating sound
effect that is produced by regu-
larly modulating the pitch of the
DEPTH Determines the intensity of the Vibrato effect. Higher settings result
in a more pronounced Vibrato.
SPEED Determines the speed of the Vibrato effect.
DELAY Determines the amount of time that elapses between the playing of
a key and the start of the Vibrato effect. Higher settings increase the
delay of the Vibrato onset.
REVERB DEPTH Adjusts the reverb (page 95) depth.
CHORUS DEPTH Adjusts the chorus (page 95) depth.
DSP DEPTH Adjusts the DSP (page 95) depth.
If you want to re-select the DSP type, you can do so in the DSP
menu explained below.
DSP ON/OFF Determines whether the DSP is on or off.
This setting can also be made from the VOICE CONTROL “DSP”
button on the panel (page 53).
PANEL SUSTAIN Determines the sustain level applied to the edited voice when the
VOICE CONTROL [SUSTAIN] button on the panel is turned on
(page 53).
DSP TYPE Selects the DSP effect category and type. Select a type after select-
ing a category.
VARIATION Two variations are provided for each DSP type.
Here, you can edit the VARIATION on/off status and variation-
parameter value setting.

The factory-programmed assignments are set to variation-off for all

Voices (standard variation of DSP is assigned). If you select VARIA-

TION ON here, a variation of the DSP effect is assigned to the

Voice. The variation parameter value can be adjusted in the

VALUE menu explained below. This setting can also be made from

the VOICE CONTROL “DSP VARI.” button on the panel (page 53).

This button is effective only when the [DSP] button is on.

Displays the variation parameter.
Adjusts the value of the DSP variation parameter.
EQ LOW/HIGH These determine the Frequency and Gain of the Low and High EQ