SPX2000—Owner’s Manual 35
Early ReflectionThese effects add early reflections. Early reflections are the sounds that reach your ear after being reflected only once from the
walls or ceiling. In contrast, the “wash” of sound that reaches your ear after reflecting multiple times from the walls and ceil-
ing is called “subsequent reverberation.” In nature, early reflections will be followed by subsequent reverberation, but the
Early Reflection effects omit this, producing a tighter sound. These effects can produce interesting results when applied to
drums, percussion, or guitar.
The differences between the effects are summarized below.
Early Reflection, Gate Reverb, Reverse Gate (PRESET bank)
Early Reflection is the basic effect of this type, and Gate Reverb is
based on the popular effect of the same name. Reverse Gate is also
known as “backwards reverb.”
Each aspect of the sound is controlled by the following effect parameters.
Filter/equalizer: HPF, LPF
Output level: OUT LVL, MIX BAL.
Parameter details
■Basic parameters
■Fine parameters
Type Bank No. of INs/OUTs Explanation
Early Reflection, Gate Reverb, Reverse Gate PRESET
Parameters can be controlled in detail
Early Reflection, Gate Reverb, Reverse Gate CLASSIC Simpler operation; fewer controllable parameters
than the PRESET bank effects
Parameter name Range Explanation
*a. For Early Reflection effects, choose from S-Hall, L-Hall, Random, Revers, Plate, and Spring.
For Gate Reverb and Reverse Gate effects, choose from Type-A and Type-B.
The pattern of early reflections; this determines the basic character of the effect. The characteristics
of the early reflections will depend on the type you select here.
ROOMSIZE 0.1—20.0 Size of the reverberant space. Increasing this value simulates a larger space. You can use this to sim-
ulate the absorptiveness of the walls and ceiling.
LIVENESS 0—10 Decay characteristics of the early reflections. Increasing this value will reduce the decay, causing the
repeats to continue. You can use this to simulate the absorptiveness of the walls and ceiling.
INI.DLY 0.0—500.0 ms Delay of the early reflections relative to the original sound.
DIFF. 0—10 Diffusion of the sound to left and right. Increasing this value will make the reverberation more
DENSITY 0—100% Density of the early reflections. Increasing this value will make the reverberation smoother. You
can create unique effects by lowering this value.
Parameter name Range Explanation
MIX BAL. 0—100% Balance between the original sound and effect sound. At a setting of 0% only the original sound
will be output; at a setting of 100% only the effect sound will be output.
OUT LVL 0—100% Output level after the original sound and effect sound have been mixed. Decrease this value if you
want to lower the output. At a setting of 0% there will be no output.
ER NUM. 1—19 The number of early reflections. Increasing this value will increase the number of reflections.
HPF Thru, 21.2 Hz—8.00 kHz
A filter that cuts the low-frequency portion of the effect. Frequency components lower than the
frequency specified here will be cut. With a setting of Thru this filter will do nothing. This filter
does not affect the original sound.
LPF 50.0 Hz—16.0 kHz, Thru
A filter that cuts the high-frequency portion of the effect. Frequency components above the fre-
quency specified here will be cut. With a setting of Thru this filter will do nothing. This filter does
not affect the original sound.
FB.GAIN –99%—+99%
Amount of feedback for the early reflections. This indicates the ratio by which the level is reduced for
each repetition of the effect. For example with a setting of +50, the level of the reflections will decay
to 50% → 25% → 12.5% as they are repeated. Negative (–) values invert the phase of the feedback.
HI.RATIO 0.1—1.0
Amount of feedback for the high-frequency portion of the reflections. This is specified as a propor-
tion of FB.GAIN. If this value is 0.1, the feedback amount will be 1/10th of FB.GAIN; if this value is
1.0, the feedback amount will be the same as FB.GAIN.
Original sound